What is the Golden Egg? | Dr. Hakan Özörnek

What is the Golden Egg?

The term 'golden egg' refers to genetically tested, healthy eggs obtained through the 'Pooling Method' from advanced maternal age candidates who face difficulties in ovarian reserve, have a history of recurrent pregnancy loss, or are at an older age. Dr. Hakan Özörnek's pioneering approach to specialization in in vitro fertilization (IVF) and 'personalized treatment' has inevitably brought new treatment options. The 'Golden Egg' treatment, named under his guidance, is specifically designed for a challenging patient group with significantly lower chances of becoming pregnant, particularly older maternal candidates and those with high ovarian age.

Chances of Motherhood with the Golden Egg

In the 'Pooling Method,' eggs are collected twice in a single menstrual cycle from the prospective mother. Ten days of treatment at the beginning of the cycle yield eggs, which are then frozen using the vitrification method. Three to four days after the egg retrieval, the same method is applied with medication, and a new collection process is performed for the newly formed eggs. Genetic testing is applied to the best-quality 4-5 eggs obtained in this way. Especially in women over 40, the probability of one out of two transferred eggs being genetically defective is quite high. To address this, a genetic diagnostic test is performed to eliminate defective eggs. Stimulation through medication in a single cycle allows obtaining a higher number of eggs, providing the opportunity to select the healthiest and highest-quality egg. Thus, a high and healthy pregnancy chance is achieved.

Who is eligible for golden egg treatment?

  • Advanced maternal age candidates
  • Younger candidates with ovarian reserve and quality issues
  • Candidates experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss

What is ovarian reserve?

Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs (ovarian reserve), which decreases to 400,000 during puberty from an initial 1-2 million. As age advances, especially after 36-37, the number and quality of eggs decrease, reaching around 25,000. After the age of 40, this decline accelerates, and by around 45-50, eggs are depleted, leading to menopause. A woman's ovarian reserve is predetermined at birth, and as she ages, the eggs age with her. Therefore, as the eggs age alongside the woman, the chances of pregnancy decrease. While 8-10 eggs are collected from women in their 20s-30s, the number drops to 1-2 in women in their 40s. Hence, every egg is considered invaluable.

How is ovarian reserve measured?

The number and quality of follicles (eggs) in a woman's ovaries determine her ability to conceive. As ovarian reserve diminishes, the chances of getting pregnant decrease, and the risk of miscarriage may increase. Evaluating ovarian reserve is crucial, especially for couples aiming to have children, as ovarian age may not always parallel chronological age. Sometimes, the ovarian age may be older than the woman's age, emphasizing the importance of assessing ovarian reserves to gain essential insights into infertility treatment options and the likelihood of getting pregnant. A high ovarian reserve indicates a higher chance of getting pregnant. Assessing ovarian reserves provides critical information about infertility treatment methods and the individual's likelihood of getting pregnant. The high ovarian reserve is indicative of a higher chance of getting pregnant. As women often delay having children due to career plans or other reasons, assessing ovarian reserves becomes crucial for early diagnosis and treatment opportunities in reproductive health.

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